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Fruits and Vegetables: Importance and Benefits

Introduction to Fruits and Vegetables

The fruits and vegetables groups encompass all fruits and vegetables, excluding potatoes which belong to the bread, cereals, and potatoes group.

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should form the foundation of every meal:

  • Low in fat, they help reduce overall fat intake.
  • Available in various forms: fresh, frozen, or canned.
  • Ideal for smoothies, combining multiple fruits and vegetables.
  • Easily served alongside other foods.

National School Fruit Scheme

In 2000, the National School Fruit Scheme was introduced to enhance fruit and vegetable consumption among children. It officially commenced in 2004, providing free fruit daily to school children.

Recommended Intake

It is recommended to consume 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily, collectively, not individually. This guideline, based on World Health Organization recommendations, aims for a daily intake of 400g.

Nutritional Aspects

Iron absorption: While iron from fruits and vegetables is less absorbed, it remains crucial for vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin C, abundant in fruits and vegetables, aids in the absorption of non-haem iron.

Vitamins: Fruits and vegetables are rich in various vitamins, particularly Vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges are excellent sources.
  • Green vegetables, peppers, and tomatoes are also high in Vitamin C.
  • Cooking vegetables can optimize Vitamin C content, especially in green vegetables.

Retaining Nutrients

To preserve the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, follow these guidelines:

  • Use fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
  • Prepare and cook vegetables just before consumption.
  • Avoid finely chopping salads and vegetables.
  • Avoid peeling vegetables and potatoes.
  • Avoid overcooking vegetables.
  • Utilize cooking water from vegetables for soups and gravies.